Carol Chell

The love of beautiful art expressions has always been in my life. I earned a BA degree in art with an emphasis in Interior Design at San Jose State. My career was in Interior Design and different aspects of sales and marketing. Between work and raising two wonderful daughters I found little time for painting.

In 2006 my husband Steve and I retired to this gorgeous area after spending many summer vacations up here. We had found a home that we loved and it had a studio for me and a workshop for my husband, also an artist. I knew it was my time to paint again!

Watercolor is a passion for me. Though less forgiving than other media, it challenges me and gives me great pleasure. I consider myself always growing and evolving as I explore the many effects possible with watercolor. At San Jose State I was privileged to study watercolor under Erik Oback, a widely recognized master of the medium. More recently I have taken workshops with Fred Graf, Karen Bowers, Judy Greenberg and Susan Cornelias, all widely collected award winning artists.

Watercolor of a field outlined by trees and flowers
Watercolor of a beach surrounded by large rocks and cliffs
Watercolor of a beach with large rocks
Watercolor of a beach with grasses and field in the distance surrounded by large hills